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The project office of the apparatus of the Management Board of NJSC “State Corporation “Government for Citizens” (hereinafter referred to as the State Corporation) was established on August 22, 2022 by merging the Risk Management Department and the Project Management Department in order to develop the applied component of risk management and internal control systems through the implemented process and project approaches to improving the efficiency of the State Corporation.

Key Documents used in the activities of the Project Office is the International Standard of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) “Risk Management of Organizations. Integrated model" (2016), "Internal control - an integrated structure" (2013), Risk management policy, Internal control system policy, Business process management policy, Quality policy, generally describing the vision, goals and objectives for the development of corporate risk management and internal control systems (hereinafter - RMS and ICS). With this in mind, the Rules for Risk Management were developed (approved by the decision of the Board of the State Corporation dated March 27, 2020, protocol No. 01-02-04/07), which determines the risk management procedure in the State Corporation, including details of the procedures, mechanisms for identifying and assessing risks State corporations,

The objectives of the Corporate Risk Management System are:

  • achieving an optimal balance between the growth of the long-term value of the State Corporation, its sustainable development and risks;
  • determination of the main tools, procedures used by the State Corporation to manage production / non-production risks;
  • determination of areas of responsibility of risk owners in the field of management of production / non-production risks;
  • determination of internal documents that support the risk management process.

The main principles and approaches in the field of RMS and ICS in the State Corporation are:

  • unity of the methodological base;
  • complexity;
  • adaptability;
  • reasonable assurance;
  • awareness;
  • continuity;
  • clear regulation.

The structure of RMS and ICS provides for 3 categories of goals:

  • operational goals that relate to the efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes of the State Corporation, including the goals of operating and financial activities, as well as the protection of assets from losses;
  • reporting objectives, which include internal and external financial and non-financial reporting, including reliability, timeliness, transparency or other conditions established by regulators;
  • the goals of compliance, which include compliance with the current regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the GRR of the QMS of the State Corporation.

RMS and ICS in the State Corporation should be based on the following principles:

  • continuous operation;
  • reporting of all ICS subjects;
  • effective segregation of duties;
  • proper coordination and approval of business processes;
  • a responsibility;
  • clear interaction and formalization of business processes;
  • continuous development and improvement;
  • timely detection and reporting of significant shortcomings of the ICS.

By order of the Chairman of the Board of the State Corporation No. 262 n / k dated June 13, 2022, Sakyp Aidos Kamalkhanuly (since August 22, 2022, the Project Office of the State Corporation) was appointed Director of the Project Management Department of the State Corporation.

Contact information: 010000, Astana city, Nura district, Kerey-Zhanibek Khandar street 4.

Tel.: +7 (7172) 95 51 83 (ext. 299)

Email mail: