Composition of the committees of the Board of Directors of NJSC
"State Corporation "Government for Citizens"
1. Audit Committee:
- Omarov Kambar Tatibaevich – Chairman of the Committee;
- Balieva Zagipa Yakhyanovna – member of the Committee;
- Berdinov Ermek Dzhursunovich – member of the Committee;
- An employee of the State Corporation is the Secretary of the Committee (without voting rights).
2. Strategic Planning Committee:
- Ivar Tallo – Chairman of the Committee;
- Balieva Zagipa Yakhyanovna – member of the Committee;
- Berdinov Ermek Dzhursunovich – member of the Committee;
- An employee of the State Corporation is the Secretary of the Committee (without voting rights).
3. Compliance and Risk Committee:
- Balieva Zagipa Yakhyanovna – Chairman of the Committee;
- Omarov Kambar Tatibaevich – member of the Committee;
- Ivar Tallo – member of the Committee;
- An employee of the State Corporation is the Secretary of the Committee (without voting rights).
4. Human Resources, Remuneration and Ethics Committee:
- Berdinov Ermek Dzhursunovich – Chairman of the Committee;
- Balieva Zagipa Yakhyanovna – member of the Committee;
- Omarov Kambar Tatibaevich – member of the Committee;
- An employee of the State Corporation is the Secretary of the Committee (without voting rights).