Working hours
Every day from 9.00 to 18.30
(except Saturday, Sunday and holidays)
Lunch break from 13.00 to 14.30
г. Астана, ул. Керей, Жанибек хандар 4
Contact information
Telephone number for inquiries on real estate registration:
8 (7172) 95-50-38 (in. 192)
Telephone number for inquiries on land cadastre matters:
8 (7172) 95-50-38 (in. 35302, 347, 234)
For questions on registration of civil status acts and registration of legal entities:
8 (7172) 95-50-38 (in. 332)
Regarding coordination and support of "E-обращение" and "Нәтиже" projects:
8 (7172) 95-50-38 (in. 399, 178)
For questions on personnel administration:
8 (7172) 95-50-38 (in. 198, 271, 35272, 115, 35275)
For questions regarding registration of incoming correspondence and requests:
8 (7172) 95-50-38
вн. 240, 262
вн. 397 (Registered requests in E-Otinish)
Central Branch for Coordination of Social and Pension Security Activities
г. Астана, ул. Кравцова, 18
Contact information
Chancellery of the Central Branch for coordination of social and pension activities:
8 (7172) 55-21-02 (in. 10525)
Administration of the funded pension system and the Unified Aggregate Payment (on issues of pension contributions and the Unified Aggregate Payment):
8 (7172) 55-21-02 (in. 10479, 10468, 10481)
Administration of the medical social insurance system (on issues of compulsory medical insurance):
8 (7172) 55-21-02 (in. 10260, 10370, 10539)
Administration of the Social Insurance System (for matters of social contributions):
8 (7172) 55-21-02 (in. 10264, 10472, 10406)