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Payments for the birth of a child can be issued regardless of place of registration

Kazakhstanis who wish to apply for benefits paid in connection with the birth of a child and his care for up to one year can now apply to any public service center in the country, regardless of their permanent place of residence. Previously, having a permanent residence permit and applying to the Public Service Center strictly at the place of registration was one of the main criteria for processing social benefits.

“The extraterritorial principle allows us not to be tied only to the place of registration and gives more freedom of movement to our clients. Thanks to it, Kazakhstanis can apply for benefits for the birth of a child and for caring for him, social payments in case of loss of income in connection with caring for a child when he reaches one year in any PSC in the country, regardless of location. By the end of the year, we plan to introduce the extraterritorial principle for other types of payments,” said Birzhan Zhunusov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Government for Citizens.

It should be noted that over the 8 months of 2021, more than 300 thousand government services were issued for benefits in connection with the birth of a child and his care up to one year.